4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

You Can Save Money and Energy at the Same Time!

With the shifting political and atmospheric climate, there has never been a more important time to think about energy output. In unsure times, you want your facility to be as efficient as possible while still maintaining low operating costs. If you want to save money and energy at the same time, you will need to look at mechanical insulation in a different light.


A Little Something for Everything

Mechanical insulation isn’t exactly high tech, so it becomes easy for plant managers to overlook its benefits. What can’t be ignored is the wide application of mechanical insulation systems. Whatever equipment you have in your facility, there’s probably an insulation to cover it. From vessels to boilers, ducts to piping, you can ensure all of your bases are covered. Furthermore, there are different types of insulation designed for different environments. Extreme temperatures, sounds, or concerns for personnel safety can all be handled by the proper insulation.


Payback Within Months

Once you have mechanical insulation installed by the professionals, it won’t take long before it starts to pay itself off. In most cases, these systems pay for themselves within one year. That will feel pretty amazing to report on your annual budget. This is because mechanical insulation ensures that the energy your equipment is producing is going straight back into your facility and not floating out into the atmosphere. The best part is that all different types of plants experience this quick payback, regardless of size or industry.


Savings from the Start

These massive savings are made possible due to the fact that mechanical insulation systems save more energy than it takes to produce them. There are some estimates that claim mechanical insulation saves up to 500 times the energy it takes for manufacturers to produce them. If you’ve been in your industry for a while, you know that quality is incredibly rare when it comes to any other mechanical system.

Energy costs are on the rise, so keeping output down is key to maintaining any facility. Mechanical insulation is an effective strategy to achieve just that. Keep your energy in your plant and keep your money in your company. If you are in the Calgary area, contact us today to have your facility fitted with proper mechanical insulation.
