4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Winter is Coming; Are You Insulation Ready?

The nights are getting longer and the sun doesn’t seem to shine as bright as it once did. Although we didn’t get much of a summer this year, one thing is for sure: winter is coming. The frigid temperatures mean that you’ll be spending more on heating and equipment downtime. Minimize your costs by preparing your facility for the freeze. Have an insulation expert come in to inspect what’s behind your walls and around your pipes. Here’s what a professional is going to look for: 


Windows and Doors

It doesn’t matter what your facility produces, processes, or stores, there will always be a place for air to get in and out. Windows and doors are the worst culprits for lost heat and lowered efficiency. Cracks in the seals could skyrocket heating costs and force your people to work in a freezing environment. Insulation sheets can be layered on top of windows to keep the heat inside, further reinforcing the seal. Even a change as simple as adding curtains can help maintain the temperature inside your facility. 



Most people recognize the importance of having the proper insulation in the walls, but there are other places that require the extra protection, too. One of these is pipes. Whether they transport water, oil, or anything in between, your pipes need to be insulated. Frozen lines can burst and cause immense damage to your facility and your budget. An insulation expert will be able to help you determine which form of insulation would be best for your specific application.  



Now that your walls and pipes are covered, don’t forget to look up. Heat rises and will escape through your ceiling if you don’t have the proper insulation installed. Ice dams can easily form up there, creating more problems when the snow finally melts in spring. Forgetting this key area is essentially watching your money float away through the roof. 


An expert won’t just be able to point out the areas where you need insulation, they will be able to recognize damaged or inefficient insulation, suggesting more effective options for your facility. If your facility is in the Calgary area and you’re ready to beat the freeze with insulation, call the experts at Westcal for a consultation. 
