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(403) 242-1357

Why Thickness is Important in Insulation

For most insulation materials, size really does matter. Or in this case, thickness. In this week’s article, we are going to explore why thicker materials effectively reduce heat transfer and what that means for mechanical insulation. 


Thermal Resistance in Insulation

In the building industry, R-value is the term for thermal resistance. This value can be assigned to both materials and assemblies of materials. For example, rock wool insulation or an entire wall would both have their own values. The higher the R-value, the harder it is for heat to transfer through. As the main purpose of insulation is to reduce heat transfer, materials with high R-values are typically the most desirable. 


The Role of Thickness in Calculating R-Value

R-values are determined by dividing the material’s thickness by its K-value. Think of K-values as the exact opposite of R-values. These refer to the thermal conductivity of the material; essentially, how easy it is for heat to transfer through. K-value itself is independent of thickness. By taking the thickness and dividing it by this value, one can determine R-value. Through this formula, it is easy to see that the thicker a material is, the higher the thermal resistance.


Material Considerations

In some cases, thermal resistance must also take into account material density. For example, loose-fill insulation does not increase proportionately with thickness. This is because the material will undergo compression as it settles. Other insulations must also take temperature, ageing, and condensation into account when calculating the R-value. Because of this professional installers need to be familiar with more than just the basics of insulatory properties. 

Experts in the insulation field use all of these different values, formulas, and considerations when designing an effective insulation system. As each application has unique circumstances, the insulation materials used must be carefully chosen for the job. To learn more about how our team can help your facility achieve maximum thermal resistance, contact us today!
