4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Tips for Increasing Your Building’s Energy Efficiency

Keeping energy consumption down is a constant challenge for many business owners and managers. Working towards improving your energy efficiency can reduce your energy consumption, which will save money on utility bills and help to conserve energy resources. Here are a few effective ways to make your commercial or industrial building more energy efficient:


Mechanical insulation 

If you want to increase your building’s energy efficiency, one of the best things you can do is invest in professional mechanical insulation. This type of insulation is thermal insulation on pipes, valves, and other kinds of mechanical equipment including HVAC systems and ducts. It helps to keep your HVAC system operating more efficiently by retaining heat, and working to improve your building’s energy efficiency. 


Energy-efficient lighting 

Replacing your old lighting with high-efficiency lighting, such as LED bulbs, can reduce energy consumption over time. You can also install motion sensors which can be used to turn lights off when rooms are not in use. Depending on the construction of your building, you can also take advantage of natural light during the day to reduce energy consumption.


Regular HVAC inspections and maintenance 

By having your HVAC system professionally inspected, you can ensure that it is operating at peak efficiency and identify any potential problems that could be causing it to run inefficiently. Regular HVAC inspections also help to keep the system clean so your system doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the desired temperature. The technician will be able to identify issues that may be causing the system to work harder than necessary, such as a clogged filter or leaky ductwork.


Energy efficient windows and doors 

Upgrading to energy-efficient windows and doors can help to reduce the amount of heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer, leading to lower energy bills. They are manufactured with methods of coatings, multiple glass panes, and gas fillers to insulate your building more effectively. In addition, energy-efficient windows and doors can help to reduce the amount of outside noise that enters the building.


Ensure you have proper insulation

It’s important to ensure that the building is properly insulated for extreme outdoor temperatures. This can be accomplished by sealing any gaps or cracks in the structure that might allow heat to escape, and by using insulation materials that are designed to minimize heat loss. Additionally, proper insulation can help to regulate the temperature inside a building, making it more comfortable for occupants and helping to reduce the amount of energy required to maintain a comfortable environment.


By using less energy, businesses can reduce their operating costs, and help to reduce their environmental impact by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. For more information on proper insulation to increase your energy efficiency, contact our team of knowledgeable experts today!
