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(403) 242-1357

Reflective Insulation

To be effective, mechanical insulation needs to impede the transfer of thermal energy. Typically, insulation is designed to protect against conduction and convection, but there is a third thermal culprit: radiation. In this week’s article, we are going to look at specialized insulation that is designed specifically to combat radiant heat transfer. 


Radiant Heat Transfer

Radiant energy is unlike conduction and convection in that it doesn’t need a medium to travel. In fact, it can effectively travel through a vacuum! This is evident in the radiant heat we experience from the closest star in our solar system, the sun. That heat can transfer through millions of kilometers of empty space and feel just as toasty when it hits our skin. In commercial and industrial applications, radiant heat can easily slip through pipes, walls, and the like with little to no resistance. 


An Effective Barrier

Reflective materials that face an air space can redirect the radiant energy away from a surface, keeping it from transferring through. That’s where reflective insulation systems come in. In many cases, these are incorporated with typical insulation systems to reduce all three forms of heat transfer. Because the most important part of reflective insulation is that it has a reflective surface, it is most often thin, lightweight, and can even be used as a vapour barrier.


Installation Considerations

Reflective insulation must be installed correctly to be effective, this is why having an experienced installer is key to its success. Here are some important factors when it comes to installation:

  • Dust Accumulation. The surface of the insulation must be reflective, if dust accumulates it will significantly decrease its usefulness. Installers must take positioning into account to reduce the chance of dust and debris build-up.  
  • Air Gaps. Without these gaps, the insulation will not work. There must be at least a 1-inch gap between the material and the protected surface. This number will vary depending on application. 
  • Electrical Hazards. Most reflective insulation has some type of foil incorporated into the material. Because of this, the insulation is an effective conductor of electricity. Installers must be mindful of bare electrical wiring when applying reflective insulation. 

Installed properly, reflective insulation can be an effective part of any facility’s mechanical insulation system. To find out whether your facility could benefit from radiant heat protection, contact our team at Westcal Insulation! 
