4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Pipelines, the Environment, and Insulation

In this world there lives two fundamental truths: the first is that climate change is a reality that needs to be addressed, the second is that oil remains the lifeblood of the Canadian economy. While it may be the knee-jerk reaction to deny one of these truths in favour of the other, this method is not only ignorant, but ineffective. In fact, the only way forward is to recognize that pipelines and the environment are intrinsically connected at this point in history, and then create practical, fact-based solutions from there.

Why Are Pipelines a Solid Choice?

Continuing to export and manufacture oil and petroleum products means that this non-renewable resource needs to get from point A to point B as safely as possible. That means minimizing risk of spills. Not only are investments and jobs on the line, but also the wellbeing of humans, animals, and the environment. According to a study done by the Fraser Institute, oil transported by rail is 4.5 times more likely to experience a spill than oil transported by pipeline. With this knowledge, it is apparent that pipelines are the best method of transport for oil.

What About Pipeline Safety?

There is absolutely no financial incentive for pipeline companies to cut corners on safety. Tolls are paid to pipeline companies from their oil and gas customers that more than cover necessary expenses. They are built this way because a lack of safety means great potential to lose profit and cause damage. Therefore there is a strong financial incentive to invest in pipeline safety. The entire process of transport is a carefully monitored and expressly safety-oriented journey.

How Can Insulation Help?

One of the reasons that a pipeline in Canada may experience a spill is due to the freezing and cracking experienced over the course of a year. This is where insulation comes in. Proper insulation prevents heat loss and helps maintain a warmer pipe temperature all year long. This allows the performance of a pipe network to be optimized, making the pipeline itself safer for the environment that it has been installed in.

Here at Westcal Insulation Ltd., we understand that long term strategies are integral for the survival of our economy and our environment. That’s why we pride ourselves on creating sustainable solutions that are practical and efficient in the Albertan economy. If you’re curious about how efficient energy use can be improved through insulation, contact us today!
