4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Mechanical Insulation: Good for the Economy and the Environment

In many ways, mechanical insulation is still the best-kept secret in the industry. While the National Building Code does require a certain amount of mechanical insulation in new construction, the capabilities of this technology haven’t yet been fully realized on a wide scale. Industrial and commercial buildings can experience immense energy savings with the installation of an effective insulation system. In addition to these savings, mechanical insulation also offers significant benefits to our Albertan economy and the land we love so much. 


Creating Green Opportunities

According to Insulation.org, the mechanical insulation industry has the potential to create 89,000 green jobs per year. That’s tens of thousands of opportunities for Canadians to gain meaningful, sustainable employment. More importantly, this is a line of work not wholly dependent on the price of oil. All industrial and commercial structures can benefit from mechanical insulation, so even as the economy diversifies, insulation experts will still be in high demand.   


Relaunching the Economy

Since the pandemic hit our beloved province, our economy has been sent reeling. In fact, experts suggest that Alberta has been one of the provinces hit the hardest by the economic impact of the virus. Job creation is key to transitioning Albertans back into the workforce. By investing in mechanical insulation, industry leaders are effectively supporting local businesses and cycling their money back into the Albertan economy.


Properly installed mechanical insulation can reduce billions of tons of CO2 emissions, decrease energy costs, and boost the Albertan economy. It is evident from these results, that insulation can be beneficial on both the micro and macro levels. It simultaneously benefits the individual company, the industry it serves, and the community it resides in. Maintaining this type of system is relatively uncomplicated and cost-effective, making it a great investment choice for business and industry leaders. 

Our expert team at Westcal Insulation can help you determine the best possible mechanical insulation system for your facility to experience the benefits above. Contact us today to get started! 
