4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Managing Moisture in Mechanical Systems

Mechanical systems, by definition, are made up of several moving parts. This movement is key to successful processing, HVAC, and transport operations, to name a few. Regardless of the end goal, any system that carries fluids at below-ambient temperatures creates the perfect opportunity for moisture to develop around pipes and ducts. While you may think rust spots are the only moisture-related problem with a system like this, there is another issue just waiting to develop: mould growth.   


The Basics of Mould Growth

At its most basic level, mould requires water, food, and oxygen to grow. In a mechanical system, water is most often provided by condensation on metal surfaces. When cool pipes or ducts encounter warm air, moisture from the air condenses onto the surface resulting in sweating pipes. The next ingredient for mould is food, which can be obtained through any biodegradable material present, even dust particles! Finally comes oxygen, which is naturally present in any mechanical system to begin with. In addition to regular conditions, such as cool pipes through warm air, mould also tends to occur after pipe leaks, gasket failures, and with poor workmanship.


Dangers of Mould

Mould can become a serious problem if left unchecked, resulting in loss of efficiency, pipe corrosion, and an unsafe work environment. Equipment can begin to wear down over time, requiring more energy and repairs to run properly. Once that mould spreads to surrounding surfaces, such as wood or drywall, it will only grow faster and deeper into your structures. Workers or clients subjected to mould build-up can exacerbate respiratory conditions, namely asthma, allergies, and infections. In sum, mould isn’t just an aesthetic problem; it’s bad for business and your people. 


Mechanical Insulation

Preventing mould growth is a much less expensive and disruptive action to take than simply dealing with it when it comes up. Proper mechanical insulation is arguably one of the most powerful tools to manage temperature and moisture, and ultimately reduce the risk of mould spores. An insulation professional will be able to assess the environment and determine what insulation material and method will be moisture resistant itself and protect warm air from coming into contact with cool surfaces. In addition to this, regular inspections will be able to mitigate any issues that arise during the lifespan of the equipment.

Mould growth on pipes and ducts can be disastrous. Use mechanical insulation on your equipment to ensure this problem never gets out of your control. Our team of experts at Westcal Insulation can help you figure out if your systems are at risk of mould growth, and how to prevent it. Contact us today to get started! 
