4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Looking at Your Mechanical Insulation in the New Year

One of the biggest investments you can make in an industrial or commercial building is mechanical insulation. If you don’t have a strategy in place to maintain proper insulation, consider making this your company’s New Year resolution. Industry studies have shown time and again that the cost of mechanical insulation can be recovered within one to five years. There are very few investments that offer such a timely return.


What You Need

Savings from a properly engineered and installed mechanical insulation system are unparalleled, and we’re not just talking about money. These systems increase efficiency by keeping your people comfortable and your machines running at maximum capability. Take some time to review your books and calculate exactly how much energy, time, and money is literally floating through the walls of your building.


What You Can Afford

Once you know exactly what you are working with, sort out how much of a budget you can set aside for mechanical insulation. While other initiatives can be flashier and more exciting, remember that insulation will make up its own installation costs in a short period of time. Crunching those numbers can help you decide where exactly mechanical insulation sits in the queue.


Who Can Help

Having an insulation advocate within your own company is a great way to ensure that maintenance gets done effectively and on time. This role could even be filled by the same person who champions green initiatives within the facility, since insulation falls under that category as well. Outside of your company, however, you need experts who can do the work of installing and maintaining that mechanical insulation. With a company like Westcal Insulation, you can develop an energy efficient, cost effective strategy that will undoubtedly bulk up your bottom line.

Implementing a successful mechanical insulation maintenance plan is key to big savings. Let 2019 be the year where your company makes solid investments. Contact us today to get started.
