4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Investing in Efficiency

You don’t need us to tell you that the poor economy has been hitting Alberta and all of Canada quite hard. During these times, it can be tempting to cut corners in order to save a little money anywhere you can. But we want to remind you that investing in proper insulation is an investment in better efficiency and lower operating costs.

Cutting Costs makes sense. We understand why this tough economy has you scrambling to balance budgets and looking for where you can save money. But while there’s often a lot of fat that can be trimmed back — being a bit more cautious with spending on the company Christmas party here or tweaking benefit packages there. Some things, like adequate insulation, cannot and should not be cut.

Insulation Protects Personnel.

As any good team leader knows, at the end of the day your employees are your best and most important resource. Protecting them and sending everyone home safe at the end of the day is your first priority, and that means annually inspecting and maintaining firestopping as well as insulation. Insulation is a necessary part of any mechanical system that transfers or stores a product with specific temperature requirements, and while insulations protect employees from burns and other dangers, it also does a lot more.

Insulation Saves Money.

While helping the environment may not be high on your priority list, the improved efficiency that comes with investing in insulation does a lot more than save the polar bear. Proper insulation also helps to protect your machinery from overworking. This means less mechanical failure, longer overall lifespan, and fewer costs. Insulation also helps to maintain the necessary temperature of gasses and fluids. With proper insulation, your business will spend less on energy, and often your investment in insulation is payed for in savings within just a single year or two.

If you’re struggling to find a way to balance the books, consider investing in efficiency. The experts at Westcal are here to help answer any questions you may have about how increased insulation can help protect employees and lower costs. Contact us today to learn more!
