4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Insulation Values Explained

There are several parameters that help professionals determine the efficacy and beneficial properties of an insulation material. These values indicate specific qualities that refer specifically to their ability to conduct or prevent thermal transfer. We know that all these letters and numbers can seem confusing at first glance, so this week we want to clear things up by explaining each of these important values.



This term refers specifically to thermal resistance, or how well a material prevents the flow of heat from one surface to another. Take a pipe covered in jacketing, for example. The r-value would refer to how effectively the heat was kept out. Furthermore, the thicker the material, the higher the thermal resistance and ultimately the r-value. An insulation sheet that is 2 inches thick will have twice the r-value of a 1-inch sheet. 



C-value is the exact opposite of r-value and denotes thermal conductance. In a similar way as above, it depends on thickness. Its calculation determines the number of BTU (British thermal units) that pass through a square foot of material with a 1-degree temperature difference for a specified thickness.  As expected, the lower the c-value, the better the insulation material. 



K-value is similar to c-value in that it measures thermal conductivity. Unlike the c-value, it is not dependent on thickness. It is the rate of steady heat flow through a material. Professionals will want this number to be as low as possible. 



This value is unique in that it measures thermal transmittance through an area of material construction, such as a wall, roof, or floor. This gives engineers a more complete view of thermal transfer through a whole building element. In this case, the lower the u-value, the more effective the insulator. 

In short, your r-values should be high and all the others listed here should be low to depict maximum thermal resistance in a whole system. When our team inspects, repairs, or designs insulation systems, we take all of these values into consideration. For professional and effective mechanical insulation, contact the experts at Westcal Insulation. 
