4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Industrial Insulation Reduces Mechanical Downtime!

Insulation is most well-known for its ability to manage extreme temperatures by keeping the cold with the cold, and the heat with the heat. In the frigid winters and sweltering summers, this is an important quality to have in any facility. This ability to keep temperatures where they need to be allows machinery to run more efficiently. As any industry leader knows, more efficiency leads to less downtime. 


Equipment that is properly insulated doesn’t need to waste energy trying to maintain a certain temperature. Overheating is a massive problem in large machinery. Not only is the machine itself forced to work harder, but it also puts other machines at risk around it, as well as your workers. Insulation can help reduce that risk dramatically. This will help keep your equipment running smoothly.


By managing heat and cold, insulation also plays a part in maintaining appropriate humidity levels. The reality is that water vapour will always be present in some form. However, extreme temperature environments can be great places for condensation or sweating to develop. The excess moisture can cause corrosion, rust, and bacteria build-up, potentially compromising the productivity of the equipment it’s living on. It is imperative that machinery be outfitted with insulation that is able to offset these hidden hazards. For example, refrigeration and cool air duct systems are highly susceptible to condensation and will need to have proper insulation installed around them.   


Heat, cold, and moisture all play a role in how well your machinery functions, but insulation also offers another mechanical benefit. For many industrial machines, loud noise and a certain amount of vibrating is to be expected. Unfortunately, these side effects can literally shake your machines apart by rattling them into pieces. Insulation can help reduce the clanging significantly, keeping all your equipment’s parts where they were meant to be.  

Industrial facilities do not exist in a vacuum. The environment will play on the machinery, just as the machinery will play on the environment around it. That includes the product and people of that environment. Insulation helps them all play nicely together. It is for all these reasons that industry leaders who have invested in proper insulation will find that their equipment will experience less downtime and more productivity. To experience these benefits yourself, call the experts at Westcal Insulation today! 
