4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Importance of Mechanical Insulation in the Summer

This summer has proven to be one of the most scorching in over 100 years, breaking the record set in 1896. We are all searching for ways to stay cool and out of the sun. Along with this unprecedented heatwave comes a massive surge in energy usage from the public and private sectors alike. Energy consumption in Calgary alone hit over 1,700 megawatts, breaking another record of 1,692 megawatts in 2018. With this in mind, it’s clear that conserving energy and increasing efficiency has become more important than ever before.

Increasing HVAC Efficiency

Keeping your building cool with all of the active machinery can be a challenge on its own. Add in those record-breaking temperatures and your HVAC system will be working double-time to do its job. If your system can’t keep up with the heat gain caused by the outdoor temperatures and machinery, you’d have a better chance of betting on Sisyphus finishing his task first. A proper insulation system will work together with your HVAC to ensure machines aren’t expelling excess heat into the space around it, and that the pipes delivering cool air are protected enough to get that air to the desired space before warming up.  

Maintaining Worker Comfort

High temperatures can cause general disorientation, heat stroke, burns, or even death. Currently, there is no maximum temperature outlined by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, however, these risks should be taken as seriously as working in extremely low temperatures. The CCOHS does outline the appropriate work/rest cycles depending on how hot the work environment is. Keeping the workplace as cool as possible reduces the chances of a heat-related illness or accident, as well as increasing productivity because more work can be done in lower temperatures. 

Mitigating Mechanical Damage

Machinery that is allowed to overheat can cause several issues. Melting, burnout, and general damage may result in dangerous conditions and a complete breakdown. Insulating pipes, tubing, tanks, vessels, ducts, and other equipment protects against these problems. With fewer breakdowns and repairs, your plant or business runs smoother and more efficiently. Just be sure to stay on top of regular maintenance so that you know your insulation is performing sufficiently.


Mechanical insulation is important all year round, but battling extreme temperatures makes this installation even more imperative. If you’ve been struggling to keep your machinery and your people at a reasonable temperature, it’s time to look at your current mechanical insulation system. Call the experts at Westcal Insulation today! 
