4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

How To Protect Your Industrial Pipes From Freezing

The cold Albertan winters can be harsh on your building’s pipes. Cold temperatures can cause your pipes to freeze, leading to lots of damage and a costly repair bill. That’s why it’s important to take steps to protect your pipes from freezing in order to avoid this situation! Here are a few tips for protecting your industrial or commercial building’s pipes from freezing:


Keep the building warm

The most important step you can take to protect your pipes is to keep the building warm. This will help to prevent pipes from freezing because the warm air helps to keep the temperature of the pipes above freezing. When the temperature of the pipes is below freezing, water in the pipes can freeze and expand, which can cause the pipes to burst.


Insulate your pipes 

Mechanical insulation on piping is an effective way to prevent pipes from freezing during cold weather. Insulation helps to reduce the amount of heat that is lost from the pipe, thus keeping it from dropping below-freezing temperatures. Insulation also helps to reduce the amount of energy needed to heat the pipe and its contents, making the process more efficient and cost-effective. Insulation can be applied to any existing piping, or when pipes are initially installed. Be sure to check that your existing insulation is in good condition and free of any gaps or holes.


Let the faucets drip

Allowing the faucets to drip slowly can help to keep the pipes from freezing. This is because when water is allowed to slowly flow through the pipes, it prevents the stagnant water from freezing. This continuous circulation of water helps to keep the temperature of the pipes at a minimum level. Additionally, allowing water to drip can also help to reduce the pressure in the pipes which can help to prevent pipes from bursting due to the expansion of water when it freezes. Make sure to check your faucets regularly and adjust the flow as needed.


Seal off any cracks or gaps 

Look around the building for any cracks or gaps in the walls, windows or doors a​​nd make sure to seal them off. When temperatures drop below freezing, any cracks or gaps can serve as an entryway for cold air to seep into the pipes. This can cause the water inside the pipes to freeze and expand, leading to cracked or even burst pipes. 


Turn off the water

If the temperature drops below freezing, it’s a good idea to turn off the water supply to the building. By turning off the main shut-off valve, you can prevent any water from entering the pipes and reduce the risk of them freezing. 


By following these tips, you can help to protect your industrial building’s pipes from freezing and causing damage this winter! Taking steps now can help to save you from a costly repair bill down the road. If you’re looking for excellent freeze protection for your industrial pipes, contact us today for expert advice and solutions.
