4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Considerations in Mechanical Insulation Design

Mechanical insulation is often designed to control temperature, noise, and even offer personnel protection. Regardless of the application, there are some considerations that every professional must be aware of when designing mechanical insulation. In this week’s article, we are going to discuss three of the most important design considerations: mechanical abuse, corrosion, and indoor air quality.   


Mechanical Abuse

In industrial applications, mechanical insulation is often prone to abuse from equipment, machinery, or even personnel. A designer must consider the damage the insulation may undergo during its lifespan and make accommodations to make it as resistant as possible to the expected abuse. For example, rigid jacketing or compressive resistance may be necessary for an insulation material.  


Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)

Corrosion can be a real problem when it is hidden beneath insulation. CUI stems from moisture and shifts in temperature. For some applications, especially outdoor ones, such as refineries or chemical plants, these factors are unavoidable. As such, insulation systems need to be designed in such a way to drastically reduce the risk of trapping moisture in between equipment and insulation materials. 


Indoor Air Quality

One of the less obvious considerations has to do with volatile organic compounds or VOCs. These are compounds used in the manufacturing of many building materials, including some types of insulation. They are considered volatile because they easily evaporate into the air. High levels of VOCs indoors directly impacts air quality, and therefore the health and wellness of anyone working in that space. Furthermore, some of these chemicals can also be flammable, posing a different type of risk. Insulation experts should be familiar with VOCs and the regulations surrounding them before choosing specific insulation materials for an indoor application.  

Insulation design involves careful consideration of many factors beyond the intended use. That’s why it is so important to work with experienced professionals when it comes to a facility’s mechanical insulation. For insulation products and services in the Calgary area, contact the experts at Westcal Insulation today!
