4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Mechanical Insulation: Need-to-Know for Mechanical Engineers

To put forth an effective design, engineers must have a vast working knowledge of all elements of that design. From conception to installation and beyond, all of the pieces must be functional and long-lasting. Insulation may not seem like an item at the forefront of an engineer’s mind, but it is an element that supports the overall health of any mechanical design. The proper integration of insulation results in the protection of three major areas. 

  1. System & Equipment.

Mechanical systems require several moving parts to work together efficiently. Insulation protects each of those pieces, as well as facilitates their processes through temperature control, moisture control, and even physical damage. Take HVAC, for example; this is a type of system that is designed to distribute air of a certain warmth. Without proper insulation, temperatures can shift unchecked, rendering the system useless. Furthermore, mechanical systems can suffer from physical, chemical, and other types of damage. Insulation helps to reduce wear and tear by protecting several of the components. 

  1. Personnel.

Insulation systems can be designed to mitigate a number of conditions from temperature to condensation, noise to fire and smoke. These can all pose a great risk to personnel occupying and working within the surrounding area. The most obvious example is maintaining a touchable surface temperature on equipment so workers do not attain burns, but there is so much more to this type of protection. Condensation control reduces the risk of moisture dripping onto walking surfaces and therefore the instances of slippage or falling. Constant and significant noise in the workplace can cause hearing damage along with a plethora of other health issues. Insulation can be used to dampen harsh sounds and effectively improve workplace productivity without risking the health of your personnel. 

  1. Environmental.

What was once simply a trend, sustainability has become part and parcel of our industrial, commercial, and even residential practices. Green Building Standards are built into the way we design and conduct businesses. Insulation is a cost-effective way to reduce emissions and help you meet your sustainability targets. In fact, experts estimate that most insulation systems will pay for themselves in as little as six months to two years, giving it the most effective return on investment of any other energy improvement. 


With all of this in mind, it’s obvious that insulation can’t be an afterthought, but rather a key component of any engineered design that intends to effectively protect the equipment, personnel, and surrounding environment. If you’d like to learn more about how our mechanical insulation can benefit your facility or structure, contact our team at Westcal Insulation for a quote today! 
