4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

How Aluminum Jacketing Works for Outdoor Insulation

Jacketing is an outer covering used to protect tubing and pipe insulation. This is done to protect the insulation from moisture or mechanical damage. One of the most common jacketing materials for outdoor applications is aluminum. This relatively soft metal becomes a veritable insulating powerhouse when alloyed with small percentages of other elements such as manganese, silicon, or zinc. In this week’s article, we are going to explore the ways that aluminum works to protect tubing and pipes. 

Lightweight Corrosion Resistance

Despite aluminum sheets being incredibly lightweight, they demonstrate excellent corrosion resistance. Unlike other materials, a chemical reaction occurs when aluminum and oxygen make contact. This creates a protective oxide layer all along the surface of the aluminum. Better still, this layer reforms if damage occurs.

UV Protection

Outdoor insulation is subject to elements that indoor installations never have to deal with. The rays from the sun are a perfect example of this. Some materials will degrade with long periods of exposure to UV radiation. This will render the insulation useless. Aluminum is completely impervious to the otherwise damaging radiation.   

Extreme Temperature Applications

In addition to the sun, outdoor pipes and tubing will have to contend with extreme temperature fluctuations. This is especially true in Alberta where temperatures shift from less than thirty below to over thirty above. That’s a full sixty-degree variation over the course of a year. That’s not to mention the sudden cold snaps and heat waves we are increasingly experiencing from month to month. Aluminum jacketing boasts a temperature range of -150 to +150 °C. 

Combination Laminates

In cases where chemical resistance or other characteristics are also required, there are laminates that combine aluminum with other high-performing materials. For example, foil-film laminates incorporate aluminum with plastic film and foil scrim polyethylene utilizes a layer of reinforcing fiberglass scrim. 

Wherever pipes or tubing are exposed to external elements, jacketing should be applied to ensure their insulation works to the best of its ability. To find out if aluminum jacketing is right for your needs, contact our team for a consultation! 
