4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0J1

(403) 242-1357

Cellular Glass vs Textile Glass

Commercial and industrial energy use makes up a huge portion of organizational costs. Due to the extreme temperatures Alberta faces, every facility in our Western province needs some type of insulation to keep it running at peak efficiency. In today’s article we will discuss two common types of glass insulation: cellular glass and textile glass.


Cellular Glass

Cellular glass insulation is a foam insulation made up of a rigid, lightweight material containing millions of glass cells. The sealed nature of the cell structure makes this insulation inherently water resistant and provides a highly effective vapor barrier. In addition to these great qualities, cellular glass is not affected by common chemicals or most corrosive environments. In mechanical applications, cellular glass can be used in sectional pipe covering, board segments, or curved segments. All of this together creates a fire resistant, mold resistant, high-load bearing insulation.


Textile Glass

Textile glass looks quite a bit different than cellular glass insulation. It is a reinforced plastic material which is composed of a woven material that is embedded with glass fibres. The diameters of the glass fibers provide this type of insulation with great elasticity and resistance to vibrations and abrasion. Textile glass is very resistant to high temperatures while being mechanically resistant, chemically stable, and waterproof. These qualities keep mushrooms and bacteria from flourishing behind your walls and in your pipe systems.  Glass insulation can be used in batt or blanket form.

Glass is a great material to use in insulation due to its cellular structure and fireproof quality. This is why many manufacturers continue to produce different glass products, and industrial facility leaders continue to use them. If you have questions as to how glass insulation can be used for your specific industrial or commercial application, contact us today!
